Downloading and Installing

Known Issues (Please Read)

The DanceWizard setup program can be downloaded from here.

Although the setup program has a digital signature to prevent tampering it is quite likely your browser and Windows will complain about downloading the installer. You may see a message similar to the following (this is from the Chrome browser):

Installation 1

You need to click the arrow icon on the right side of the warning and select Keep to successfully download the installer.

Installation 2

See Installing DanceWizard for information on running the DanceWizard setup program.

Please visit the Features page for a feature overview, and the Editions page for a list of the editions that are available. Information about purchasing a DanceWizard license can be found at Purchasing a License.

Important Note

After DanceWizard is installed it provides complete access to all features in the standard edition for the first 180 days. A basic or standard license must be activated before this 180 trial period expires to continue using the program.

Older Versions

Previous versions of DanceWizard can be found here.