Break Timer Settings

The Break Timer tab on the settings window allows configuration of when and how the break timer runs.

Timer Options

Break timer starts automatically after delay when dance finishes

When set the break timer will start running automatically after the Auto break start delay period of time has elapsed since the last dance being played finished. This is disabled by default.

Auto break start delay

This is the time period after a dance finishes before the break timer starts automatically. Clicking the up and down arrows change the time in increments of one minute. This value can only be modified if Break timer starts automatically after delay when dance finishes is set.

Length of break

This is the total time of the break. Once the break time has expired the alarm to signal the break is over is triggered. Clicking the up and down arrows changes the time in increments of one minute. This defaults to 15 minutes.

Alarm Options

Break time over message flashes red when break is over

If set then the break time window will start flashing a Break is Over message in red when the break time is over.

Alarm sound

There are several choices for the alarm sound that is played when the break is over.

Play nothing

When the break alarm is triggered only the flashing Break is Over message (if enabled) is displayed. No audio is played to indicate the break is over.

Start playing next dance in playlist

When the break alarm is triggered starting playing the next dance in the current playlist.

Start playing current dance

When the break alarm is triggered start playing the dance currently active in the play window.

Start playing selected audio file

When the break alarm is triggered start playing a specific audio file.

When alarm sound finishes

The same choices as Alarm sound can be made here. If the break timer expires and the complete audio set as the alarm sound completes then this setting will determine what happens next.

Alarm sound increases in volume

This setting allows the alarm audio to increase in volume over a period of time. The minimum and maximum volume settings, and the time period over which the volume increases can be set.

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